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Posts tagged ‘digital-art’

The future of Growth is AI vs AI

I’m not talking about repeat purchases.

Repeat purchases are not growth – its sustain.  Most investments are based on growth and profitability such that the company can return value to shareholders.  The “ESG” model is currently being dismantled as an abject failure as money flows to where its appreciated the most and ESG doesn’t care about money – it cares about outcomes that fit a narrative which in most cases is a lie anyway.

So back to growth.  How do companies grow?  Well typically its marketing.  How do companies market?  

TV, Ads, Search, Blogs, social platforms, influencers.

Now with the development of generative AI – Videos, Images, Articles can all be fabricated exponentially faster and delivered via those marketing channels.  What is the result?  CRAP, tons and tons of CRAP.  so much CRAP there is no way to sift through it …. without AI.

The next wave of innovations is going to be AI vs AI.  

AI Security to combat AI threats – why? humans can’t react fast enough

AI Selective Content to combat AI lies – why? the time value of the truth will never catch up to the viral speed of “narratives”

Countries will all erect walls on the internet if they haven’t already to stop or mitigate the flood of AI interlopers.

Companies will have to have AI marketing tools in order to develop channels to get to new customers and pierce the veil of information overload.

Here is an attack vector that our customers (and ourselves) will need to understand.

As you read this, think about this being done to you.

SEO = Search Engine Optimization

There are already apps and companies to deal with this threat.
Here is one example ahrefs:
How to Detect (and Deflect) Negative SEO Attacks (ahrefs.com)
. Ahref alerts
. referral domain inspection
. automated fake link removal request